Our journey began with reading,
then we took our first walk
to prove our belief.

We made some progress,
paused to reflect,
and continued thinking.

We naturally created art
and wrote down our thoughts.

We collected some works
and discarded others.

We doubted,
and pressed on.

We often acted against
the status quo.

That’s why we sometimes failed,
but we never failed
for too long.

We got up and embarked
on a new journey.

That’s the path to freedom.

Freedom from
conventional decisions.

Every time we set out
on a new journey,

We aim higher than before.

We walk further
to reach bigger
and fresher destinations.

We’ve grown more mature,
but we never forget
the child within us.

We always rebel.

Rebel as a mature individual.

Rebel against conventional
thinking in thoughtful
and cultivated ways.

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